BABJ Parties With “Purpose” on DEC. 30, 2012


Join the Birmingham Association of Black Journalists for our end-of-the year KWANZAA JAM, NIA STYLE (Nia means “purpose” in Swahili) to celebrate our founders and help raise funds for our 2013 events.

If you want to honor our founders and displaced journalists, and learn more about BABJ’s future events and programs that are coming as the city comemmorates the 50th Anniversary of the 1963 Birmingham Civil Rights Movement, then you’ll want to be there.

You can support our efforts by buying tickets to the Kwanzaa Jam for $20 in advance from one of our members, including me or Tiffany Otherwise, it’s $25 at the door on Sunday, Dec. 30.

The Kwanzaa Jam will be held at Crescendo Bar & Lounge, the former location of Ona’s Music Room, at 423 20th Street South in midtown Birmingham. KISS-FM DJ Chris Coleman is the entertainment master of the evening.

The event is supported by our partners, the A.G. Gaston Conference, and the South Regoin Minority Supplier Development Council.

KwanzaaJamR1 web

To reserve your $20-ticket, please email me, or one of our journalist members.


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