Early Wins Change Tide for Obama in Alabama

Until Sen. Barack Obama's startling wins in Iowa and South Carolina and close defeat in New Hampshire, Blacks in Alabama were almost evenly divided between him and his rival, New York Sen. Hillary...

City Council Green-Lights Fair Park Plan

Birmingham City Councilors gave Mayor Larry Langford a collective nod to move forward on a multi-million dollar plan to overhaul Fair Park, and potentially jump start redevelopment in the oft-neglected west side of...

Musings on Memphis, Part 1

I spent a day with the board members of the BJCC on their recent trip to Memphis. I can see why they came back excited about developing a Beale-Street-type development in Birmingham. The Beale...

New Fountain Heights Homes Signal Revitalization

With a pair of scissors, Tamanuel Eaton cut the red-ribbon tied across the front of her new bungalow in Fountain Heights, officially marking a new era of revitalization in the once-neglected neighborhood. The act...

Transit Board Embraces New Direction for System

MAX board members in a specially called meeting Tuesday approved a $115 million transit plan pushed by Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford. The plan includes $33 million for a street car system Downtown, which Langford said he wanted...