Sunday, February 23, 2025

Million Man March Anniversary Comes to Tuskegee This Weekend

The Nation of Islam and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan will convene its Holy Day of Atonement in commemoration of the 18th Anniversary of the Million Man March Oct. 18-20 in Tuskegee, AL. The...

Tuskegee Mayor Welcomes Million Man March to Set New Agenda

As the nation winds down its commemoration of landmark civil rights events from 1963, the Mayor of Tuskegee is working to set a forward-looking agenda that includes family values, healthcare, voting rights, sustainable...

“Crowns: The Play” Set April 19-21 at Miles College

The Alabama Gospel Center and Miles College are proud to partner in presenting "Crowns, A Gospel Play by Regina Taylor" based on the award winning book by Michael Cunningham and performed by the...

Dr. King Civil Rights Cohort Launches Next Movement

 Dr. Virgil A. Wood, a co-laboring minister with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. for 10 years during the Civil Rights Movement, arrives in Birmingham April 12-13 to launch a renewed campaign to complete...

Mayor Declares Harry Belafonte Week April 8-13, 2013

The Southern Christian Leadership (SCL) Foundation unveils events in Birmingham honoring Harry Belafonte as part the city's year-long 50 Years Forward Celebration of the 1963 Birmingham Civil Rights Movement. The actor/activist raised thousands of dollars...

Angela Davis Speaks at NAACP 2013 Women’s History Celebration

Professor Angela Y. Davis, renowned activist and Birmingham native, is the keynote speaker of the Metro Birmingham Branch NAACP's 10th Annual Women History Celebration, one of the commemorative events honoring the 50th Anniversary...

NAACP Hosts Economic Empowerment Conference Feb. 23

As part of the continuting commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the 1963 Birmingham Civil Rights Movement, the Metro Birmingham Branch NAACP will host its Economic Empowerment and Advancement Summit on Saturday, February 23, 2013.  The event...

2013 AG Gaston Economic Conference Set for Feb. 19-20

(Birmingham, AL, Feb. 11, 2013) -- The 9th annual A.G. Gaston Conference returns to Birmingham in 2013 with a focus on building the African American community's economic strength through business enterprises. The event...

NAACP Honors 20 Civil Rights Movement Churches Jan. 27

The Metro Birmingham NAACP is hosting the first in a series of events honoring the African American churches that played pivotal roles in the 1963 Birmingham Civil Rights Movement. The churches hosted "Monday night...

BABJ Parties With “Purpose” on DEC. 30, 2012

Join the Birmingham Association of Black Journalists for our end-of-the year KWANZAA JAM, NIA STYLE (Nia means "purpose" in Swahili) to celebrate our founders and help raise funds for our...