Saturday, March 29, 2025

Redefining Urban

 The word “urban” pertains to things associated with cities. In the past several decades, it was a code word associated with ethnicity and lower socio-economic classes. However, urban today has as much to...

Riding the New Urban Wave

Some still wonder whether there are enough people wanting to live Downtown to justify the multi-million dollar loft condo projects currently underway. But the projects’ developers are too busy making plans to profit...

Master Planning Birmingham’s Master Park

A group of railroad preservationists and young professionals kept alive a long dormant dream for a park in the Railroad Reservation District. The growing impetus for Downtown revitalization and a strategic alliance with...

The Hope VI Experiment

in 2000, the Birmingham Housing Authority embarked on an experiment that would raze the Metropolitan Gardens public housing project to the ground and seed a new kind of neighborhood using a $35 million federal...

Pieces of A Puzzle

Cathy Sloss-Crenshaw is standing with her back to what just might be the most breathtaking view of Birmingham in the City. Anniston's mayor, city councilmen and business owners have gathered at Sloss Real Estate...