Cultural Alliance Hosts Creative Industries Summit June 26


Summit Seeks Input To Harness the Economic Power of Birmingham’s Creative Community. Yes, culture is an industry that generates jobs and tax revenues that run our economy.


(Birmingham, AL  June 18, 2013) – The Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham is hosting a Creative Industries Summit on June 26 to leverage the community’s most resourceful minds around the economic engine of imagination, design, invention and aesthetic production.

creative-industries posterThe summit will unveil some of the preliminary findings and strategies of the Cultural Alliance’s new economic development strategic plan that is central to its latest initiative, “Creative Birmingham.”

Like industry sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare or information technology, creative entrepreneurs and their enterprises produce or provide artistic, cultural and design products and services that generate economic value. Their work provides jobs and tax revenues in the Birmingham marketplace.

Buddy Palmer, president of the Cultural Alliance, said the strategic plan will lead to a roadmap for development in an economic sector that is often overlooked.

“Our initiative will identify specific, significant areas for investment and growth within creative industries and provide actionable strategies to maximize the economic power of our sector,” he said.

The June 26 Creative Industries Summit pulls together local artists, creatives, entrepreneurs, and businesses involved in creative enterprises – defined as any enterprise or individual whose products or services are rooted in emotional or aesthetic appeal to consumers. This broad category includes creative segments such as interior, graphic and fashion design, architecture and landscape design, news media production, filmmaking, museums, historic sites, publishing, photography, music, skilled crafts, culinary arts and performing arts. 

Summit participants will add their responses and experiences to the initial findings, all of which will be analyzed and compiled in the strategic plan by Cultural Alliance consultants Michael Kane, Stuart Rosenfeld and Beth Siegel, who are charged with facilitating the Creative Birmingham initiative.

The summit is set for 8 a.m. to noon at Old Car Heaven, 3501 1st Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35222.

For more information, contact:
Buddy Palmer, President of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham
Phone: (205) 458-1393


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