Cultural Alliance to Announce New Economic Initiative Jan. 28


(Birmingham, AL Jan. 24, 2013) — The Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham is hosting a special community event Monday, January 28, to unveil new research and a “significant” planning project about the arts as economic development in the Birmingham metro region.

The announcement comes on the heels of the organization’s new report, “Arts and Economic Prosperity: The Economic Impact of Nonprofit Arts and Culture Organizations and Their Audiences (in) Jefferson County, Alabama,” which will also be released at the free event.

Special guests will include:

The special guests will discuss the findings of the “Arts and Economic Prosperity” report. They will also announce a new project that will have a profound impact on the arts and culture industries in central Alabama as well as future economic development of the region.

When:     Monday, January 28 from 3-5 p.m.

Where:    Linn-Henley Lecture Hall
               Birmingham Botanical Gardens
               2612 Lane Park Road
               Birmingham, AL 35223

Who:      Anyone interested in metro Birmingham’s creative economy is encouraged to attend this free
              special event. Press is welcome and will be provided with a copy of the “Arts and Economic
              Prosperity” report.

For more information, contact CAGB Executive Director Buddy Palmer at 205-458-1393.


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