Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame Hosts Student Jazz Festival


The Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame will host the 6th Annual Student Jazz Band Festival scheduled for March 27-29, 2008. Since its inception in 2002, the festival has showcased some of the most talented students ranging in age from middle school to college.

Every Spring, this festival invites the top student musicians from across the state for a three day competition and exhibition. There is no other festival of its kind in this part of the Southeastern Region. Over 35 student bands come together for this jazz extravaganza celebrating the sounds of the Big Band Era.

Additionally, it recognizes the jazz music education programs which so often go under recognized within the music curriculum. What initially started as a few schools represented within Jefferson County as well as the state of Alabama has expanded this year to include middle and high schools both in and out of the county and universities throughout the southeastern region.

The festival is under the direction of Dr. Frank E. Adams, Sr. Director of Education, Emeritus. Some of the schools featured this year are Thompson , Huffman, and Ramsey High Schools, Bush, Smith, Bumpus, and Curry Middle Schools. Some of the university and college jazz programs represented will be Troy State, Tennessee State, Jacksonville State, University of Alabama at Birmingham, North East Alabama Community College, just to name of few.

The Festival is an adjudicated event sanctioned through the IAJE ( International Association of Jazz Education). Past adjudicators include both jazz musicians and instructors such as Thomas” Tommy” Stewart, co-founder of the African American Philharmonic Orchestra and Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame inductee, John McAphee, coordinator of Fine Arts for the Birmingham public school system, Tom Wolfe, Associate Dean of Fine Arts & Humanities, Director of Jazz Studies and a Leadership Board Faculty fellow at the University of Alabama.

This festival serves principally to identify those jazz programs dedicated to enriching the musical palate of its students. It also serves as an opportunity for students to meet and to network with other students sharing a common interest in this music genre. Furthermore, it is a free program open to all who are jazz enthusiasts. The Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame encourages Birmingham city and the surrounding municipalities to come and support this annual event.

For more information, call the Alabama Jazz Hall of Fame at (205)254-2731. The address is 1631 4th Ave. North, Birmingham, AL 35203. You may also go on-line at for additional information.

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