Dear Visitor,
Second Cooper Green Summit June 25 Focuses on Patients
Next Tuesday's Forum Explores Solutions for Patients in Broken Cooper Green Indigent Healthcare System
Cooper Green: What Can We Do NOW?
Tuesday, June 25, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The Richard Arrington Jr. Auditorium at the Downtown Public Library
2100 Park Place, Birmingham, AL 35203
Last month, the Jefferson Medical Society declared the present model at Cooper Green “an abject failure.” Dr. Max Michael, Dean of UAB’s School of Public Health and architect of an alternative indigent care system that county was supposed to model, called the current situation “a horror story” worthy of a Stephen King novel. He made the comment earlier this month at a meeting of the Over The Mountain Democrats.
Tuesday’s forum is an opportunity for the public to hear how area healthcare providers are working to treat poor and under-insured Cooper Green patients whose health is failing because they can’t access primary care doctors before their conditions worsen.
County officials have been working to address the exodus of primary care doctors who left because of uncertainty at Cooper Green. The Jefferson County Commission voted to end in-patient hospital care and emergency room services on Aug. 28. Cooper Green was down-sized and re-opened as an urgent care center on Jan. 1.
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Calling All Creatives to June 26 Summit
How many individuals in the City of Birmingham are employed in Creative Industries? Of all six Creative Industry Segments (Design, Visual Art and Crafts, Performing Arts, Culture and Heritage, Film and Media, Culinary and Food), which segment is the largest employer?
Find out this and more. Come to Creative Birmingham’s Creative Industries Summit- A Project of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham. Participate in our Breakout Sessions to add your input to the preliminary findings and strategies.
The Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham is hosting the Summit on June 26 to leverage the community’s most resourceful minds around the economic engine of imagination, design, invention and aesthetic production.
The summit will unveil some of the preliminary findings and strategies of the Cultural Alliance’s new economic development strategic plan that is central to its latest initiative, “Creative Birmingham.”
Buddy Palmer, president of the Cultural Alliance, said the strategic plan will lead to a roadmap for development in an economic sector that is often overlooked. "Our initiative will identify specific, significant areas for investment and growth within creative industries and provide actionable strategies to maximize the economic power of our sector,” he said.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
8 a.m. until Noon
Continental Breakfast will be served
Old Car Heaven
3501 1st Avenue South
Birmingham, 35222
Please RSVP to Jessica Moody at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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