Dear Visitor,
Transformation Birmingham's C-Series Discussion This Saturday
An examination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s last agenda and what it means for us today.

April 19th C-Series Lunch & Learn Poverty & Empowerment: Reviving Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Unfinished Dream (Examining the Economic Agenda in His “I've Been to the Mountaintop” Sermon)
TRANSFORMATION BIRMINGHAM seeks to pick up the Movement from the point where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., shared an economic agenda to all Americans. In his last speech, Dr. King directed African Americans to identify their assets, pool their resources and strengthen their institutions to generate wealth and build a greater economic base within their community.
Fifty years later, strategies to solve daunting problems related to racism, poverty, chronic under-employment, cradle-to-prison- pipeline, unstable families, crime, and juvenile delinquency, neighborhood deterioration, and under-performing schools continue to hamper the long-term economic growth for many Americans. However, as compared to the general population, these problems disproportionately impact African Americans more often than other ethnic minorities.
Guest Panelists:
Bob Dickerson, Executive Director at the Birmingham Business Resource Center and CEO of Foundation Capital
Richard Dickerson, Senior Director Strategic Communication at USAID and President of RAD Communications
Jerry Mitchell, President/CEO of the Alabama State Black Chamber of Commerce
Charles Ball, Executive Director at Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham
David Ramp, Public Information Officer and Lender Relations Specialist for the U.S. Small Business Administration
Visit Transformation Birmingham's Facebook Event Page to RSVP for this event.
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Five Days of Fashion Set to Begin
Birmingham Fashion Week kicks off this Saturday and continues to next week.

Birmingham Fashion Week 2014 (BFW), announces its full runway schedule to be held April 19 - 26 under the tents in Pepper Place, Birmingham, AL.
“With southern roots and big city fashion, we are taking our fourth year to the max by offering an additional night of runway shows, showing off local designers and true Alabama talent,” says Jeana Lee Thompson, Co-Founder of Birmingham Fashion Week. “In addition, we will engage local retailers and their fashions each night, as well as designers from around the U.S.”
Learn more about the designers and ticket prices at Birmingham View Magazine.
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